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29 Nov 2010

10 Amazing Life Lessons from Albert Einstein

Kalian semua tau kan, siapa itu Albert Einstein? Dia terkenal sebagai ahli fisika, filsuf, dan mungkin adalah ilmuwan yang paling berpengaruh yang pernah ada. Dia memberikan kontribusi yang besar di dunia sains. Dia mendapat nobel di bidang fisika atas temuan fisika nya dan terutama hukum efek fotoelektrik. Dia menghasilkan lebih dari 300 karya ilmiah dan lebih dari 150 karya non-ilmiah. Einstein disebut ayah fisika modern dan merupakan ilmuwan tersukses yang pernah ada.

Nah, ini adalah 10 nilai kehidupan dari Einstein.
1. Ikuti rasa keingintahuan mu!

"I have no special talents. I am just passionately curious."
 Apa yang membuat mu penasaran? Apa yang menjadi rasa ingintahu mu? Pencarian dari keingintahuan mu adalah kunci untuk sukses.
2. Tekun
"It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with the problems longer"
Apakah kamu berniat untuk terus tekun hingga mencapai tujuanmu? Jadilah seperti perangko, perangko akan tetap menempel pada sesuatu hingga mencapai tujuannya.
3. Fokus dengan apa yang dilakukan sekarang
"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
Kamu bisa melakukan APA SAJA, tetapi kamu tidak bisa melakukan apa saja di waktu yang sama. Berusahalah untuk fokus pada pekerjaanmu sekarang. Dan kerahkan semua kemampuanmu dalam menyelesaikannya.
4. Kembangkan imajinasimu
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attraction. Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Gunakan imajinasimu! Jangan jadikan imajinasimu itu terbengkalai. Karena tanda dari kecerdasan itu bukan lah pengetahuan, tetapi imajinasi.
5. Jangan takut berbuat salah
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Kesalahan itu bukan berarti gagal. Kesalahan ini akan membuatmu semakin baik dan semakin pandai jika kamu menggunakannya dengan benar.
6. Hiduplah di masa sekarang.
"I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."
Maksud dari hidup di masa sekarang adalah, kita tidak bisa mengubah masa lalu, dan kita tidak bisa mengetahui masa depan yang belum terjadi. Jadi yang paling penting dilakukan adalah bahwa kamu mengerahkan semua usahamu untuk yang ada 'sekarang'. 
7. Buat sesuatu yang bernilai
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."
Jangan habiskan seluruh waktu hidup mu untuk mencari kesuksesan. Habiskan waktu mu untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berharga. Jika kamu berharga, maka kamu akan dekat dengan kesuksesan.
Temukan bakatmu, dan salurkan bakatmu ke cara yang menguntungkan untuk orang lain.
8. Jangan mengharapkan hasil yang berbeda
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
 Kamu gak bisa melakukan hal yang sama setiap hari dan mengharapkan hasil yang berbeda. Kalau kamu mengharapkan sesuatu yang berbeda, maka ubahlah dirimu sendiri dulu dan maka hidupmu akan berubah.
9. Belajar dari pengalaman
"Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience."
Kamu harus merasakan sendiri suatu hal dan jangan cuma mengandalkan informasi nya saja. Tetapi harus dialami sendiri, maka kamu akan mendapatkan pengetahuan yang berharga.
10. Pelajari aturannya dan lakukan yang lebih baik dari orang lain.
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
Sederhana saja. Pelajari aturan atau cara bermainnya.  Setelah itu, kamu harus bermain lebih baik dari yang lainnya. Dengan begitu, kamu bisa meraih kesuksesan dengan mudah !
 Makasih udah mau baca artikel ini :)
dedicated for Albert Einstein

12 Nov 2010

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso was a Spanish painter, draugthsman and sculptor who lived most of his adult life in France. He is one of the most important artist in 20th century. His long life is full of famous creations of his experiment with different themes and styles.

Born : Malaga, Spain. 25 Oct 1881

Picasso showed a passion and a skill for drawing from an early age. Picasso received formal artistic training from his father in figure drawing and oil painting. Then he went to School of Fine Arts in A Coruña. In 1895, Picasso and his family moved to Barcelona, where his Father, Ruiz, took a position at its School of Fine Arts. October 1900, Picasso visited Paris and after visited it for a few times, he had stayed in Paris since 1904.

Blue and Rose Period

Femme aux Bras Croisés
The Old Guitarist

La Vie
 1901-1903 was known as Picasso's Blue Period. Because of Picasso’s Blue Period consists of somber paintings rendered in shades of blue and blue-green, only occasionally warmed by other colors. Most of his paintings were about life of common people and beggar in Paris.
Change of his career was happen in 1904 when he was sponsored by a writer Gertrude Stein and art seller Kahnweiler.

Between 1905-1907, Picasso appear with Rose Period. His paintings at this period wasn't too melancholy, more cheerful and brighter than his painting at the Blue Period.

Acrobate et jeune arlequin
Garçon à la pipe


Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

Change of Picasso's style of painting was in 1906-1907, when he was introduced to Paul Cezanne's creations and influenced by African and Iberian traditional sculptures. The influence of the sculptures stand out especially on famous work, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907).

Between 1909-1914, Picasso cooperated with French artist Georges Braque and developed a new style known as analytic Cubism. It is a style that tend to split an object to be a geometrical shape.

Three Musicians

1912-1913, Picasso and Braque found and used collage technique for the first time. It is a technique to stick many objects such as papers or portions to canvas. Picasso also started to make sculptures. His innovation was to not carve sculpture from stone or wood but make separate shapes from metals and wires first, then put it back together.


 In the 1920s, Picasso was interested to classical style, and it influenced him for the whole decade. In the 1930s, Picasso experimented with surrealism art. HIs famous work with this style is Guernica. This large canvas embodies for many brutality of war when a village named Guernica was bombed on civil war in Spain.

 After World War II, Picasso still lived in France but keep moving from place to place until he finally stayed in Cannes on 1955. At that moment, Picasso was becoming more productive and experimental and started work on other media. Aside from painting, sculpture, lithography, and etching, Picasso also made ceramics and other three-dimensional designs. Picasso also worked on orders such as mural at UNESCO building in Paris.
This 20th century art maestro died on 8 April 1973 because of heart attack. 13 years after that, his wife, Jacqueline Roque took her own life by gunshot because of devastated and lonely after the death of Picasso.

Potrait of Jacqueline

1 Nov 2010

Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

Cleopatra VII Philopator became queen of Egypt in 51 BC, at the age of eighteen, following the death of her father, Ptolemy XII Auletes. She had ruled for four years as co-ruler with her father, and when he died his stipulated in his will that she would succeed on condition that she marry her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII, and Pompey the Great approved the will in Rome.

Ptolemy and Pothinus

The new Egyptian queen had to rule alone because Ptolemy was too young, and remained under the council of Pothinus, the young king and his vizier began plotting against his sister, and planned to have her dethroned, so the young Ptolemy could rule under the guidance of Pothinus until he reached his majority, and Cleopatra was forced to flee to Syria.

 Pompey’s Murder

After the civil war between Caesar and Pompey the Great, Pompey fled to Egypt, and Ptolemy and Pothinus had the roman consul beheaded hoping to win Caesar’s favour, but on the contrary when he arrived in Alexandria in 48 BC and was presented with Pompey’s severed head, he was disgusted at their brutality, and demanded an appropriate burial.

 Caesar Already Knew Cleopatra

Their father Auletes had been considered a friend of Rome, and Caesar had known Cleopatra during her youth when she was in exile with her father in Rome between 58 and 55 BC, after a rebellion forced her father to flee, in Rome they protested their claims to the throne, and her father’s constant bribes encouraged Rome to intervene and restore their crown.

Wrapped in a Rug

When they met the second time, she was brought to him at the palace in Alexandria wrapped in a rug, and he was captivated by her appearance and personality, she used her female powers to tactically seduce him in order to win his affections and support, and her efforts were successful and he had her reinstated, and Pothinus was killed.

Cleopatra and Ptolemy

Peace in the family was not to last, Ptolemy and their other sister, Arsinoe IV, began to plot together, and rallied an army together, Cleopatra did not want to co-rule Egypt with her brother-husband in the first place, and with Caesar’s support they drove Ptolemy and Arsinoe out of Alexandria, Ptolemy drowned crossing the Nile, and Arsinoe fled to Asia Minor.

Caesar and Cleopatra Become Lovers

With Ptolemy now dead, Cleopatra got what she wanted, sole rule as queen of Egypt, but a sole female ruler would not be accepted, and to further secure her throne she had to marry her next brother, Ptolemy XIV who was only around eleven years old, and she went on a lengthy cruise for two months along the Nile with Caesar and they became lovers.

Caesar’s Son

Cleopatra gave birth to Caesarion in 47 BC, the boy was Caesar’s only living child, despite already twice married and now upon his third wife, Calpurnia, he had only fathered children with his first wife, Cornelia, who gave birth to Julia, and passed away in childbed some twelve years afterwards along with the baby, Julia later married Pompey and died in childbirth also, several years before Caesarion’s birth.